"Always the Brotherhood"
Our mission is to promote Brotherhood through Celtic music, Traditions, and to support our service organizations- Police, Fire, EMS, Military & Veterans.
The Guns n Hoses Pipes n Drums of SWFL was formed to assist, join, or organize performances for First responders and Military. We offer our services free of charge for Line of Duty (LODD) funerals, memorials, and fundraising events for these organizations.
In exchange for performances not deemed as LODD or Mission specific fundraisers, we seek a nominal donation. We use these donations to purchase and maintain necessary band equipment and support. Performances are voluntary and depend on availability.
"The Fallen" and "Amazing Grace" for the Midnight Piper Event to
Honor Fallen Police Officers
Lee County Sheriff Department Headquarters
Honor Fallen Police Officers
Lee County Sheriff Department Headquarters
When you hear the Pipes play Amazing Grace at a funeral, you will notice that it is usually played three times. There is meaning behind each stanza.
The first stanza is played for you being born, coming into the world alone.
The second is played for the celebration of you and your entire life with your family.
Last and 3rd stanza is for your death, leaving this world by yourself.
With this last stanza the solo piper turns around and walks away, while remaining in sight of the family. This creates a fading effect that is quite moving. Traditionally, bagpipes are thought to possess mystical powers. Supposedly they are the only instrument that can be heard in Heaven. A piper and the sound of the bagpipes helps to direct departed souls towards Heaven's Gates.
The walking away symbolizes the piper leading the departed to the Hereafter, yet stopping short of the Gate through which the piper cannot pass.
“Honor Our Fallen”
When you hear the Pipes play Amazing Grace at a funeral, you will notice that it is usually played three times. There is meaning behind each stanza.
The first stanza is played for you being born, coming into the world alone.
The second is played for the celebration of you and your entire life with your family.
Last and 3rd stanza is for your death, leaving this world by yourself.
With this last stanza the solo piper turns around and walks away, while remaining in sight of the family. This creates a fading effect that is quite moving. Traditionally, bagpipes are thought to possess mystical powers. Supposedly they are the only instrument that can be heard in Heaven. A piper and the sound of the bagpipes helps to direct departed souls towards Heaven's Gates.
The walking away symbolizes the piper leading the departed to the Hereafter, yet stopping short of the Gate through which the piper cannot pass.
“Honor Our Fallen”